Ep 266. Tiffany: Virtual Assistant, Online Marketing, and Belly Dance Bundle

Tiffany started the Bellydance Bundle in 2017, bringing together dancers who had content online to create one massive showcase for what was available at the time. Now, year over year she brings together teachers and builds communities around the idea of an at-home practice. From lectures on language and culture to dances of all different MENAT & fusion styles, Tiffany brings together groups of teachers each year to help dancers study more often, with less stress, at home, for an affordable price. A total nerd for the business side of dance, she loves to work with teachers to help them find new students, and as a total nerd for dance, she loves to study with as many teachers as she can. How fortunate to be able to combine both in each year's Bellydance Bundle! Stay tuned for this year's offering, available November 2nd - 10th.
In this episode you will learn about:
Learning business models from other industries
What’s the use of having virtual assistant
Tips for hiring virtual assistant
Marketing tools that work in online space
What is Belly Dance Bundle, and how it benefits dancers
Show Notes to this episode:
Find Tiffany and Bellydance Bundle on Instagram, and website.
Details and training materials for the BDE castings are available at www.JoinBDE.com
To book your stay in Cairo at Yasmina’s Bellydancers B’B, email yasmina@yasminaofcairo.com, or contact via Instagram.
Follow Iana on Instagram, FB, and Youtube . Check out her online classes and intensives at the Iana Dance Club.
Find information on how you can support Ukraine and Ukrainian belly dancers HERE.
Podcast: www.ianadance.com/podcast