Ep 199. Belly Dance & Zumba Experiences - Student Voices w/ Shani Brown
This is a special weekend series ‘Student Voices’ where I share my conversations with the members of the Iana Dance Club about life, dance and training. Some of participants are belly dance beginners, some are professionals, but all of us have one thing in common: we all remain being students of dance. :)
Enjoy this inspiring conversation with Shani Brown where she shares her belly dance transformations with us:
Belly Dance Transformations
"A lot of the time it’s difficult to prioritize for ourselves, and to prioritize our dance because there are so many things that we have to do… But if we have assignments and goals to reach for the week/month, that really helps to prioritize our training."
"I think it’s so nice to record yourself right from the beginning of your dance journey, so that 1 month/ 2 months or even a year later you can look back and realize: “Omg, I have improved!”. Video recording is a wonderful tool."
"I think I’m mature enough to know that progress isn’t instant, but I know it will come. There is always room for growth, so we just keep going."
"Belly dance brings me that need to continue to challenge myself, to learn, to grow. Something I can’t find anywhere else."_Shani
Show Notes to this episode:
Find information on how you can support Ukraine and Ukrainian belly dancers HERE.
Check Shani’s community page at the Iana Dance Club website.
Follow Iana on Instagram, FB, and Youtube . Check out her online classes and intensives at the Iana Dance Club.
Podcast: www.ianadance.com/podcast