Ep 197. Self-Curating Training Journey - Student Voices w/ Sandra Van Baaren
This is a special weekend series ‘Student Voices’ where I share my conversations with the members of the Iana Dance Club about life, dance and training. Some of participants are belly dance beginners, some are professionals, but all of us have one thing in common: we all remain being students of dance. :)
Enjoy this inspiring conversation with Sandra Van Baaren where she shares her belly dance transformations with us:
Belly Dance Transformations
"What helped a lot in my training was video taping myself. Often I’d look in a mirror and think that I’ve gotten a move, but after seeing a video I would realize that I needed to do a lot more of work."
"Sometimes you will stop trying again just because learning process lost the fun quality of it. You need to overcome a frustration of not getting a movement right away."
"My current focus is getting more creative with my own dance."
"Also, I’ve added ballet classes along with belly dance training, and I like the difference it made in my body."
"Dance helps me to balance the type of work I do on a daily basis."
"Belly dance is so beautiful! It brings a lot of joy, creativity and magic into my world." _Sandra
Show Notes to this episode:
Find information on how you can support Ukraine and Ukrainian belly dancers HERE.
Check Sandra’s community page at the Iana Dance Club website.
Follow Iana on Instagram, FB, and Youtube . Check out her online classes and intensives at the Iana Dance Club.
Podcast: www.ianadance.com/podcast