Ep 181. Making Self-Care Your Priority - Student Voices w/ Pratima Nagaraj
This is a special weekend series ‘Student Voices’ where I share my conversations with the members of the Iana Dance Club about life, dance and training. Some of participants are belly dance beginners, some are professionals, but all of us have one thing in common: we all remain being students of dance. :)
Enjoy this inspiring conversation with Pratima Nagaraj where she shares her belly dance transformations with us:
Before: I used to have lots of judgements about my body, and I used to be very insecure person.
I thought I could never dance because I had two left feet.
Now: I didn’t realize first that belly dance would boost my confidence.
Being ok with all my imperfections became easier.
It took away judgements and brought confidence in my body.
Gave me confidence that I CAN dance!
It made me feel sensual.
I see the difference in my mood when I don’t dance for week or two.
"Belly dance is a form of doing something purely for myself. Why not to prioritize something that makes you happy?"_Pratima Nagaraj
Show Notes to this episode:
Check Pratima Nagaraj’s community page at the Iana Dance Club website. Also, check her website and Instagram about health and life coaching.
Follow Iana on Instagram, FB, and Youtube . Check out her online classes and intensives at the Iana Dance Club.
Podcast: www.ianadance.com/podcast