Ep 155. Dr.Mo Geddawi: Co-founder of the Reda Troupe
A teacher, dancer, and choreographer of oriental dance, Dr.Mo Geddawi is a native of Cairo who has made his home in Berlin, Germany for the past twenty years. His beginnings in the formal study of dance began with the invitation to join a ballet school in the royal palace of Saida Sutaire, King Farouk’s cousin. Years later he met Mahmoud Reda, and in 1957 became a co-founder of the Reda Troupe. In 1964, the group was nationalized, and the same year Dr.Mo Geddawi decided to leave Egypt.
During his busy dance career, he has worked in many feature films and TV series in Europe and the Middle East, if not as a dancer or choreographer, then as an actor. His most memorable experiences include: “The Second Man”(1972) with Samia Gamal and Sabah; “Summer Vacation”(1963) with the Reda Troupe; “A Man From Alaska”(1972) with Douglas Mclaire; “His Divorce, Her Divorce”(TV series, England, 1972) with Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton; and “The Lawyer”(TV series, Germany, 1973). Dr. Mo Geddaw is also a doctor of tropical medicine.
In this episode you will learn about:
First meeting with Mahmoud Reda
Years spent with the Reda’s Troupe
The reasons and consequences of nationalization of the Reda’s Troupe
Decision to leave Egypt
Teaching dancers all around the world.